
  • Greefhorst, D., Theunissen, T., & Beyer, P. (2024). Kritisch denken over digitalisering. van Haren Publishing. (for sale)
  • Ensink, C. J., Hofstad, C., Theunissen, T., & Keijsers, N. L. W. (2024). Assessment of Foot Strike Angle and Forward Propulsion with Wearable Sensors in People with Stroke. Sensors, 24(2), Article 710. (paper)
  • Theunissen, T. (2023), Documentation in Continuous Software Development, Utrecht University Repository (Dissertation), (Dissertation)
  • Theunissen, T., Hoppenbrouwers, S., & Overbeek, S. (2023). Evaluation of Approaches for Documentation in Continuous Software Development. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering – ENASE, 401-411., paper
  • Wifferen van, L., Lakens-Van Veldhoven, E., Dieker, M., & Theunissen, T. (2023, February 9). Kan Het, Mag Het, Moet Het? AG Connect., local (1, 2, 3)
  • Theunissen, T., Hoppenbrouwers, S., & Overbeek, S. (2022). Approaches for Documentation in Continuous Software Development in Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ) paper
  • Theunissen, T., van Heesch, U., & Avgeriou, P. (2022). A Mapping Study on Documentation in Continuous Software Development. Information and Software Technology, 142, 106733., paper
  • Theunissen, T., Overbeek, S., & Hoppenbrouwers, S. (2021). Continuous Learning with the Sandwich of Happiness and Result Planning. 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs., paper
  • Theunissen, T., & Oud, J. H. (2021). Achilles and the Tortoise 2500 Years After Zeno. Logique et Analyse, 255, 245–265., paper
  • Theunissen, T., Hoppenbrouwers, S., & Overbeek, S. (2021). In Continuous Software Development, Tools Are the Message for Documentation. In J. Filipe, M. Smialek, A. Brodsky, & S. Hammoudi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications., paper
  • Theunissen, T. (2020). Identifying Conditions for Effective Communication with Just Enough Documentation in Continuous Software Development. CAiSE (Doctoral Consortium), 11–20., paper
  • Theunissen, T., Ensink, C., Bakker, R., & Keijsers, N. (2020). Movin(g) Reality: Rehabilitation After a CVA with Augmented Reality. Proceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020., paper
  • Theunissen, T., & Van Heesch, U. (2017). Specification in Continuous Software Development. In Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (pp. 1–19). Association for Computing Machinery., paper
  • Van Heesch, U., Theunissen, T., Zimmermann, O., & Zdun, U. (2017). Software Specification and Documentation in Continuous Software Development: A Focus Group Report. In C. Preschern & C. Kreiner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European conference on pattern languages of programs (p. 35:1—-35:13). ACM., paper
  • Theunissen, T., & van Heesch, U. (2016). The Disappearance of Technical Specifications in Web and Mobile Applications. In B. Tekinerdogan & U. Zdun (Eds.), Software Architecture (Vol. 9839, pp. 265–273). Springer International Publishing., paper